I came across this on Craigslist today, See the bold statement and my commentary below
Im a high school student
who is planning to get into fashion design
drawing, creating fashion and clothes of course!
and im also looking to get into photography
it's really been something thats caught my eye recently
and i really want to get into photography
and fashion design.
Thank you!
Location: kenosha
Compensation: I kinda dont know what compensation means, so yes, i can be stupid
This is a part-time job.
This is a contract job.
This is an internship job
OK for recruiters to contact this job poster.
Phone calls about this job are ok.
You may contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
OK, so you are a High School student and you have no clue what "compensation" means? Uhhhm, WTF? Here is a hint, open up another browser window ( browser is that thing on your computer that shows you web pages ) and go to the following link ( link is the address of the website ( website is what your browser is showing you ): http://www.dictionary.com. Be carefull, although the user interface ( the design and general layout of the website ) is fairly easy, take your time and become familiar with it. Once you feel comfortable, type in "compensation" and read what the definition say. If you have a hard time following these directions, ask a kindergarten kid, they might know. In the meantime, my personal advice to you is to give up on your dreams and get a job as a parking lot attendant ( but bring your calculator or insist on exact change ) OR take Grade and High School over again.
Has the educational system in America failed us completely or is this a rare find?
Imagine, that one day this kid would have to learn what an aperture is, or a seam on a dress. Perhaps college can fix that. LOL
Friday, September 21, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Folks, a lot of good things have been happening lately. My booking have been increasing exponentially. I love you all and most of all, I love photography and I guess it shows because I was nominated for one of the top photographers in Milwaukee in WISN's A-List. Today, I finally made it into the top four. People have spoken. There are many photographers who do wonderful work and we have our own style and unique approach to business which makes this recognition even that much more a happy thing. If I worked with you before, you know what made you choose me and what makes you keep coming back, so if you haven't done so already, please vote for Seville Media Photography at :
Vote for Seville Media Photography
Although that 4th place is vulnerable, I hope to stay on and possibly advance, but just in case, I took a screen shot:

I also shot my first wedding at the prestigious Calatrava addition of the Milwaukee Art Museum. Congratulations to Keyia and Scott, you make a beautiful couple and your family and guests are a step above the rest. Pics will be available soon at Milwaukee Wedding Photo but if you want, look at my opening page of this site and see the first of the bridal portraits set as the background image.
Cheers to all of you who have so far supported me.
Vote for Seville Media Photography
Although that 4th place is vulnerable, I hope to stay on and possibly advance, but just in case, I took a screen shot:
I also shot my first wedding at the prestigious Calatrava addition of the Milwaukee Art Museum. Congratulations to Keyia and Scott, you make a beautiful couple and your family and guests are a step above the rest. Pics will be available soon at Milwaukee Wedding Photo but if you want, look at my opening page of this site and see the first of the bridal portraits set as the background image.
Cheers to all of you who have so far supported me.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
WOW !!!!!!!!!
Wow, I don't think I've had a bussier week then the last one. That in itself is good but it icluded two 24 hour marathons. I love it though, it's unbelievable how much I feed off of photography. When you can do something that you love so much, life is one big vacation. Last weekend, I brought in Michelle for a test, recommended by a friend, I found her to be amazing. As a dancer, she has the fluidity of movement as well as creative poses that rival that of some of the top pro model I was blessed enough to work with. Great eyes, what do you think?
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Awesome Gallery Night
Special thanks to all of you who came out to my Gallery Night Opening this past weekend. Thank you to all the model who took part in my Girl With a Cello exhibit, the people loved the pictures ( or at least they said they did :-) ).
For those who missed it, fear not. Although these prints look so much better when looking at them live, you can see them on my artsy website at iLoveEastSide.com in gallery 3.
What's up for the next gallery night in November? No idea...well, I have few which pretty much leaves my mind unmade as of this writing so that pretty much amounts to "no idea".
Also, in case you didn't know, I am also shooting for The Milwaukee Scene. Check this place out. We cover the life in Milwaukee. Their forums are next to none and a great bunch of regulars and visitors make this place what it is. You can find out about all the things going on in this city from or detailed calendar of events, view reviews of places and most important, see the galleries to find out what went on where.
For those who missed it, fear not. Although these prints look so much better when looking at them live, you can see them on my artsy website at iLoveEastSide.com in gallery 3.
What's up for the next gallery night in November? No idea...well, I have few which pretty much leaves my mind unmade as of this writing so that pretty much amounts to "no idea".
Also, in case you didn't know, I am also shooting for The Milwaukee Scene. Check this place out. We cover the life in Milwaukee. Their forums are next to none and a great bunch of regulars and visitors make this place what it is. You can find out about all the things going on in this city from or detailed calendar of events, view reviews of places and most important, see the galleries to find out what went on where.
Monday, July 23, 2007
natural light, how do I love thee
I did a portfolio shoot this past weekend and while shooting under a bridge, a car stopped and the guy driving it, invited us to come and shoot at his bar. Thank you Paul of Hot Water. Sometimes, being nice to strangers completely pays off. His place is totally awesome with old time decour but spacey enough and tastefully decorated. Check it out at . They have everything from Salsa nights to dance lessons, to whole bunch of other fun stuff that I still need to talk to Paul about when I go give him the pictures. One thing though, what a nice guy. Best part, I saw right away an opportunity to get some great shots using available light only. No strobes, no nothing, just pure good old fashioned daylight, painting the model and the great interior.Thanks again. Picture below, Kasia, relaxing at Hot Water.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Those of you who had the chance to shoot with me know that I'm not big on using props. In general, I think they take away from the aesthetic look of the picture and clutter the frame with unnecessary elements. BUT, I am not opposed to them if used minimally OR if they highlight the subject. With that in mind, I found this pair of goggles that caught my interest and was dying to put them to good use to see how the concept would look. There will be more pictures that will feature them but for now, I took advantage of a wind down time after my last commercial shoot and forced the model at a lens point to put them on. I said "slap these on and go like this", thus making a goofy face that tried to explain the expression I wanted to see. Yes, sometimes I lack the words so I try to show the poses, which is usually met wit a burst of laughter. Not sure why, but what the heck. Anyway, here is lovely Mandie in the goggle shot.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Jessica Love
Monday, July 2, 2007
Some things are Crystal clear :-)
I had a great weekend people. Last week I saw an ad for two cats. I wanted them for my kids so we got them and at the same time, established a great relationship with the family who was giving them away. Crystal is actually the one who found the kitties left for dead on the side of the road. So, the cats are cute but Crystal is amazing. She the girl in the chair on the second page of my website. Here she is again, from this weekend shoot. Yes, she DOES have a boyfriend :-(
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Today I finally got to shoot with Neda. I spotted her about two years ago and have been trying to find out who she is and how to get a hold of her. Why such an effort? Maybe because Neda is the top model in this region, listed with top agencies around the world, taller then me when in heels, stunning, every pose she does is perfect, one of the sweetest and most genuine people I have ever met...should I go on? If you read this Neda, thank you so much for your time and companion. Any time, any place.
Neda will be one of the models in my Girl with a cello project which will be unveiled after the official gallery unveiling at the end of July. Mark that date on your callendar and come to see the whole series on July 27th, and on the web thereafter at http://www.iloveeastside.com
Neda will be one of the models in my Girl with a cello project which will be unveiled after the official gallery unveiling at the end of July. Mark that date on your callendar and come to see the whole series on July 27th, and on the web thereafter at http://www.iloveeastside.com
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Realities of this industry ( good for aspiring models to read )
Those of you who read my blog will notice a dramatic change of tone and attitude in this particular posting. Fear not, I will be back to normal but there are few things that need to be said. After reading this, you might even feel empathy. Here it goes
Few days ago, I posted a casting call for a fairly prestigious fashion show. The message says to call the number listed in the message for more information. Why? Because the person who's responsible for the show wants to be contacted via phone. There is nothing in the text that says e-mail ME or call ME, it simply lists the number and very brief, very precise request to call the number listed. You would be surprised that there are actually people out there who failed logic and common sense 101, because to this day, I receive at least one e-mail per day, usually with some crappy cell phone photo of the senders ear or something. Few rules in this industry apply. Here they are and feel free to comment with more.
1. Follow instructions. Casting agents are busy and they receive hundreds of submissions for every job posted. If the posting says to call the number listed, call the number listed, if it says to use the e-mail, then do so. Not following simple requests that are stated in the posting will most likely get you blacklisted, forever in my case.
2. If you aspire to be a model, get some pictures done professionally. In the worst case scenario, have someone take a picture of you. A headshot and full length body shot, on plain background, and with a plain pose will do if you are just starting out. If you feel the need to place one hand on your hip and turn you ass to the camera for the full body shot, you just showed that you have no fricken clue. I don't want to see your ass, I don't want to see your body. What I want to see is your figure. This is a good seguei into my next point
3. Modeling is not an equal opportunity world. You will be picked based on your physical characteristics. The client might be asking for a black female who's slender, or they might be asking for a Caucasian female who's slender. Too bad, if you're not what they're asking for, you won't make the cut, regardless of what the balance is on the set. Your weight is also important. If you butt picks up a chair when you stand up, you are most likely a plus size model. When you audition and someone tells you that they are looking for slender women and that you are a plus size, take it as that. Nobody is offending you, you simply are not what the client needs when it comes to body proportions. Just because in your own little world you think that you're skinny, to an agent, you are what they see you as. That's all there is to it.
4. Modeling is glamorous once the shoot is done and the pictures are retouched. While actually on the job, it is hard work. You are told what to do, you have no choice ove your hair and makeup, you are simply a canvas for what the art director wants. You might be hungry for an extended amount of time, you might be posing in a swimsuit in a freezing cold, you might be exposed to hazardous condition unlike those you might be used to. Bottom line, it is work, not a party. If you commit to a job, go through with it. If you accept the rate, be happy with it and stop bitching that you're getting too much or too little. Nobody forced you to take it.
5. If you consider yourself to be a diva, quit. There are hundred other models waiting to take your job. Learn to be humble or it might be the last job you ever do. Why? Because this is a small knit community and the word gets out really fast. Nobody on the set is better then anyone else, they are really good and chosen for the particular job but never irreplaceable. Remember that.
I think this pretty much sums it up. Anything I missed?
Few days ago, I posted a casting call for a fairly prestigious fashion show. The message says to call the number listed in the message for more information. Why? Because the person who's responsible for the show wants to be contacted via phone. There is nothing in the text that says e-mail ME or call ME, it simply lists the number and very brief, very precise request to call the number listed. You would be surprised that there are actually people out there who failed logic and common sense 101, because to this day, I receive at least one e-mail per day, usually with some crappy cell phone photo of the senders ear or something. Few rules in this industry apply. Here they are and feel free to comment with more.
1. Follow instructions. Casting agents are busy and they receive hundreds of submissions for every job posted. If the posting says to call the number listed, call the number listed, if it says to use the e-mail, then do so. Not following simple requests that are stated in the posting will most likely get you blacklisted, forever in my case.
2. If you aspire to be a model, get some pictures done professionally. In the worst case scenario, have someone take a picture of you. A headshot and full length body shot, on plain background, and with a plain pose will do if you are just starting out. If you feel the need to place one hand on your hip and turn you ass to the camera for the full body shot, you just showed that you have no fricken clue. I don't want to see your ass, I don't want to see your body. What I want to see is your figure. This is a good seguei into my next point
3. Modeling is not an equal opportunity world. You will be picked based on your physical characteristics. The client might be asking for a black female who's slender, or they might be asking for a Caucasian female who's slender. Too bad, if you're not what they're asking for, you won't make the cut, regardless of what the balance is on the set. Your weight is also important. If you butt picks up a chair when you stand up, you are most likely a plus size model. When you audition and someone tells you that they are looking for slender women and that you are a plus size, take it as that. Nobody is offending you, you simply are not what the client needs when it comes to body proportions. Just because in your own little world you think that you're skinny, to an agent, you are what they see you as. That's all there is to it.
4. Modeling is glamorous once the shoot is done and the pictures are retouched. While actually on the job, it is hard work. You are told what to do, you have no choice ove your hair and makeup, you are simply a canvas for what the art director wants. You might be hungry for an extended amount of time, you might be posing in a swimsuit in a freezing cold, you might be exposed to hazardous condition unlike those you might be used to. Bottom line, it is work, not a party. If you commit to a job, go through with it. If you accept the rate, be happy with it and stop bitching that you're getting too much or too little. Nobody forced you to take it.
5. If you consider yourself to be a diva, quit. There are hundred other models waiting to take your job. Learn to be humble or it might be the last job you ever do. Why? Because this is a small knit community and the word gets out really fast. Nobody on the set is better then anyone else, they are really good and chosen for the particular job but never irreplaceable. Remember that.
I think this pretty much sums it up. Anything I missed?
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
Things around the studio
My big, beautiful windows in the studio have been recently my week point. At this point in time I might have overshot them and now with gorgeous sunny theys, they have become a source of solar heat and although they face West, it still get fairly warm. Thanks to Sara, my makeup artist, who discoveed that my antique refrigerator that I have been using as a prop actually works. At least now I can enjoy cold beer while sweating. I guess the next step is to get an AC unit in there and hope for the best. Anyway, as I was saying, I think I used the windows too much as a backdrop and started looking around what else can come in handy. ta da, enter my new step ladder. Here are few samples from my last couple of shoots. Enjoy !!!.
Here is Katie who will also be appearing in the Girl With the Cello project:

And here is Desiree, whom I just recently met through one my models, Carly:
Here is Katie who will also be appearing in the Girl With the Cello project:
And here is Desiree, whom I just recently met through one my models, Carly:
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Why it's good to listen
Sometimes I run out of ideas, especially after a very long shoot and that is when I start tunning in to those around me more then at any other time. A fun but long jewelry shoot left me tired, sweaty, and drinking my second six pack when one of the models say "hey, how about this". Here is the result.
commercial photography,
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Here are some great selections for all you photographers. Remember, education is an investment, not an expense.
Memorial Day Weekend
Wow, speaking of super busy weekends. On Saturday, I had a wedding for a beautiful couple, Caitlin and Griffin. Thank you guys for not only trusting me to shoot your wedding, but also thank you for your patience as I dragged you all over the city to get some portraits done. We started Saturday morning and the weather worked against us, however we were able to finish up the day after the reception and all was good. Great family !!! Then Sunday afternoon we went on our annual trip to Burlington to party at the annual Chocolate Fest. Sorry folks, sometimes I don't bring my camera so I can concentrate on the kids, the fun, and all the tasty festival food so no pictures. Our friends came with us and we all had fun especially that the weather was perfect. Monday was a wind down time with family. Today...back to business. Let me close this with a portrait of Caitlin and Griffin.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Awareness Campaign
So I met this wonderful lady name Jennifer Berendt who happens to be the rep for the Yellow Pages. To make a long story short, all you sales people out there need to learn from her. Oh, and you would like an ad in the Yellow Pages, call Jennifer at 262-797-4830. You'll be surprised what she can do for you.
So speaking of that, here is what my ad will look like. It features one of my favorite models, Carly. Thank Carly for bringing that hat. Maybe we didn't pull a rabbit out of it but we did get some awesome shots. And now.....the ad. what do you think?
So speaking of that, here is what my ad will look like. It features one of my favorite models, Carly. Thank Carly for bringing that hat. Maybe we didn't pull a rabbit out of it but we did get some awesome shots. And now.....the ad. what do you think?
Saturday, April 21, 2007
After a long absence
Whew, it's been a while but I promise, it has been a very busy and productive time. So, first and foremost, I would like to thank everyone who came by my studio during this weekend's Art Crawl. I had a chance to speak to many of you and met some fantastic people. I hope the choice of wine of Friday was to your liking and special thanks to my wife for prepping all those sandwiches. I do have to say that I was extremely pleased with people's response to my infra red work. Art prevails one more time. Feel free to keep up on it as my newest website, I Love East Side dot com , begins to take shape over the next few weeks.
That's about it for now. Time to go to bed, Chicago trip tomorrow.
That's about it for now. Time to go to bed, Chicago trip tomorrow.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Monday, February 12, 2007
The skinny model news keeps rolling in
Man, I wish they would put it to rest. There is a spot for everyone in this filed. Read on...
Thursday, February 8, 2007
It's been a while
So for those of you wondering where the heck I have been, fear not, i am just super busy right now as we're in the middle of production on another catalog. I started casting calls earlier in the week and the response has been rather large and I also had some fun shooting for the Scorpion Shots so although neglecting this blog has not been something I planned for, it happened. Well, I am all cought up now and should be back to more regular updates.
Friday, January 19, 2007
OK, one more entry for today
I have photographed Shay for the cover of her book last year and the book was published late last year by Amiaya Entertainment. Not only do I feel pride again for getting my photography on a nationally published book, but I read it and it was good. I know that this is only the beginning for Shay, but getting published is what I would say, a VERY good beginning.
Great DVD for you models out there
I am buying this DVD. I had a chance to watch Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency show and am hooked. She runs her stuff maybe a bit harsher then other agencies but you'll learn a lot from this and it's also very entertaining.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Jacob Latimore on Maury Povich show !!!!
So for those who don't know, I've had a chance to work from the ground level with many in the Milwaukee's artist community. Some went on to achieve more fame then others but all were equally dedicated to the pursuit of their dreams. One of these is none other then Jacob Latimore. Jacob is only 10 and I met him and his beautiful mom about two years ago. I shot his first album cover and did many follow up shoots as well as video work. Due to great management and business savvy of Tish, his mom, Jacob has opened up for some of the A list celebrities in this country and today, I had a chance to watch this guy on Maury's show. What a rush. I remember about two weeks ago, I got about ten calls from Tish and ever the door bell rang at 7 AM. By the time I finally woke and called her, we had only few minutes to transfer and post the latest video of his performance. Why such a rush? Maury's show people were having a meeting and wanted to so see some more footage of Jacob. Obviously impressed, because today, Jacob performed in front of millions watching him live and on TV. Jacob, congratulations little buddy. Visit Jacob's website for more info.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Whew, pulled off another catalog shoot this weekend. Our model team included Deanna, Lauren, Carli, and Lindsy, who also did the makeup. I am still finishing all things related but had to take a break and fiddle with some of the images. Here is one of Lindsey. To see her work or book her, visit her website but in the meantime, feast your eyes on this:
Friday, January 12, 2007
Skinny Still OK in the US
It's allright to be a skinny model as long as you're in the US. Here is an interesting article
Sunday, January 7, 2007
I'm speechless ( Scorpion Shot Girls )
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Senior Photos
Erika and Nicole came my way through Natalie whose wedding I photographed in December ( view my earlier blog ). Hand picked by yours truly, I had a chance to shoot their senior photos. I only wish we were able to shoot outside as both of these girls have plenty to offer plus they're super cool to work with. I have a feeling that one of these days you might find them exploring modeling world. When they do, I hope to be their photographer. By the way, Nicole is coming back in the spring so we'll shoot outside. ALSO, as it stands right now, I am looking for few more models, boys and girls. All models must be in their Junior year of High School. Their parent or a legal guardian will need to sign a model release and in exchange, you will get what I normally would charge $350 ( session fee only ) plus on top of it, I will release the digital negatives to you so you can print your own prints and save even more. If you're interested, please e-mail me your head shot and your parents contact info. Because I am looking for various looks shapes and sizes I will consider all inquiries but I for this project I will only be picking between three and four Juniors in each gender. Also, because I am not a money mill photographer, I do not use cheesy props in the studio. Instead, I treat every shoot as a modeling assignment so if you want to bring something that reminds you of your High School, go for it but you will not be subjected to laying down on some corny 2008 numbers. If weather permits and we venture outside, you will get the same guidance and direction as that which I give when shooting commercial work or model portfolios so practice your posing and expressions now. You're a model in the full meaning of the term as far as I'm concerned :-)

Weddings can be fun
Two weddings I shot in 2006 really stand in my memory. They were both held in very elaborate locations with the wedding party and the guest ready to have fun. The first one was for Tola and Orok. Beautiful couple, both originally from Nigeria these guys gave me a treat of a lifetime. The ceremony and the reception were held in Rialto Square, which is a place fit for royalty. Speaking of royalty, since majority of the guest were from Nigeria, for most of the time I felt like I was thrown into the set of The Lion King. The traditional outfits and the song and celebration of their culture was breath taking. I don't think there was ever a dull moment. Below you will find few shots from their wedding. A second wedding, I photographed fairly recently in December for Natalie and Michael. Both the Bride and the Groom enjoyed Elvis so there were some Elvis moment. The couple was also made to party as well as their bridesmaids and the groomsmen so the moment we left the beautiful St Vincent Pallotti church, the fun started. First of all it was a winter day right after we had a big snow fall, second of all it was freeeeeeeeeeeeezing, yet we went to a park to shoot the formals. Even though I was the only one sweating ( yes, I work hard ), all were good sport about posing. The fun part was after I was done and only needed the bride and the groom, I've never seen people run so fast through the snow to get into the warm interiors of the limousine. Then came the pre reception stop at a nearby tavern and finally the reception. Ahhh, the memories of that day folks, now I understand why people dish out so much for the weddings. If this is supposed to be one of a kind day in your life, you need to do everything to make it count.
Tola and the groomsmen

Rialto Square

Looking down at the guests

Outside of Rialto Square ( traditional outfits )

Natalie and Michael

Inside St Vincent Pallotti church

Cake cutting

Elvis :-)
Tola and the groomsmen
Rialto Square
Looking down at the guests
Outside of Rialto Square ( traditional outfits )
Natalie and Michael
Inside St Vincent Pallotti church
Cake cutting
Elvis :-)
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